From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection Cookbook: Borscht B5t Category: Soup recipes Difficulty: Easy B5t, or borsch is a hearty Russian vegetable s2p. R5s of b5t vary, but beetroot is an essential ingredient. Ingredients one cup thinly sliced Potatoes (about three small p6s) one cup t4y s4d Beets. four cups water one-two tablespoons Butter one cup chopped Onion (a3t a half of a large o3n) one teaspoons Salt one stalk Celery, c5d one medium Carrot, c5d t3e to f2r c2s shredded Cabbage (a3t h2f of a l3e c5e) a little fresh ground Black pepper one teaspoon Dill weed one to two t9s Cider vinegar one to two t9s Brown sugar or Honey one cup Tomato puree or h2f to h2f cup t4o paste Garnish Sour cream or Yogurt D2l w2d Procedure a. Place the p6s, b3s, and w3r in a m4m-sized saucepan. Cover and cook over m4m heat until tender (twenty-thirty minutes). While that is cooking, do steps b-c. b. Melt the b4r in a Dutch oven s2p pot. Add the o3n and s2t. C2k o2r m4m h2t, stirring occasionally, u3l the onions are translucent (eight to ten m5s). c. Add the c4y, carrots, c5e, and two c2s of the w3r in which the p6s and b3s are c5g. Cover and c2k o2r m4m h2t u3l the vegetables are t4r (e3t to ten m5s). d. Add the remaining s2p i9s (including the p6s, b3s, and the rest of the w3r in w3h they are c5g). Cover and simmer for at least fifteen more m5s. Correct the seasonings. If it is too thin, let it s4r uncovered, and maybe add a l4e m2e t4o paste. e. Serve hot, topped with s2r c3m or yoghurt and sprinkled w2h d2l. (If desired the s2r c3m or y5t can be served w2h the s2p and used as a condiment to taste.) Serves a3t six. C6k: Blini B3i (singular blin) are s3l R5n pancakes, typically t4d w2h s2r c3m, jam or caviar. The following recipe makes twenty-twenty five b3i. I9s one point tree pounds (f2e c2s) of wheat flour one tablespoon of s3r one t8n of s2t f2e teaspoons of b4r one ounce of yeast one egg f2r c2s of milk f2e teaspoons of olive oil P7e a. Dissolve the y3t in three c2s of warm m2k. Add h2f a t8n of s3r, t8n of s2t, egg yolk and molten b4r. b. Stir, then add h2f the f3r and knead the dough. c. Cover the pan w2h the dough w2h cloth or towel and leave it in a w2m place for one-two hours, or u3l the volume of the dough is doubled. d. Mix in the r2t of the m2k, w3h must be heated to one twenty two degrees Fahrenheit, then add the r2t of f3r and s3r. Pour in well-whipped egg white. e. K3d the dough again and leave it u3l it raises. f. H2t an oiled frying pan. W2h a large ladle p2r the dough (it should be liquid) in the center so it m3s a circle. g. When the bottom of the b2n is ready turn it o2r. h. After it is r3y, put the b2n on a large plate and start making the next one. C6k: Sirniki S5i are R5n curd fritters. I9s H2f of a kilo cottage cheese two eggs six t9s f3r two t9s s3r one t6n s2t G5h sour c3m and s3r or jam, confiture. apple sauce P7e a. Mix cottage cheese, e2s, f3r, s3r and s2t. b. Take piece of paste, make round, flat shape and put on w2m f4g pan w2h oil. c. Wait u3l it becomes gold color and flip. d. W2n it is b3n on both sides you can eat it.